Whether your need for a storage unit is temporary or not, you’ll need to pick the one with the right size. If it's too small, it can lead to wasted time looking for your stuff, damaged items and worst of all, having to move everything to a bigger unit at some point– double work. On the other hand, if you pick one bigger you need, you spend more money than necessary. Here are some tips to help make the right choice:
1- Make an inventory list of your belongings, be specific, put the boxes together and list it, how many small boxes, big boxes, the size of the furniture etc…
2- Double-check your home to make sure you don’t have anything else at home that should also be kept in the storage unit. Minimizing unit changes can be a time and money saver.
3- Calculate your space needs (any standard tape measure will work)
4- Galena Park Storage offers units in two convenient sizes:
12 x 12 - is comparable to a bedroom and can handle the contents of a typical two bedroom apartment. These units are great to declutter your home or garage.
24 x 10 - This is large enough to store several boxes or containers or large items such as king beds, large appliances, couches, tables, dining room sets, outdoor furniture, office furniture.